Sacramento CROP Hunger Walk

About Sacramento CROP Hunger Walk

Like last year, 2024's Walk will be by Individual(s), Church teams, or virtually. The Walk, in general, will take place sometime between April 20th – June 1st. But all Churches, Individuals, or Virtual walkers can modify their Walk to another day which works best for all those who are involved.

Parkside Community Church UCC Sacramento is walking its 2024 CROP Hunger Walk after Church services on April 21, 2024. All are welcome to join us on our Walk to support CWS and SSIP Food Closet.
Map of Parkside Walk Routes
Parkview Presbyterian, has chosen Sunday, May 5, at about 11:30 (right after Sunday services) for its CROP Walk date.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is walking between May 19th-25th, with the freedom of choice on route, day and distance.

For those desiring to donate using check or cash, please have the Church’s Walk Coordinator convert the cash into a single check and then collect all other checks and turn them in to Craig Chalmers for mailing to CWS for processing. Please make sure that all checks are made out to CWS/CROP Hunger Walk with the Church name in the note line on the bottom of the check. If you are not affiliated with a church, feel free to leave the note line blank.

If there are any questions, please call Craig Chalmers at 916-826-0513.

Want to be part of a group? Check out the list of teams already started - or create your own!